Well my good friend Angel gave everyone a challenge today, And it is called the Get Real challenge. I love this because alot of people hide behind reality. First off I want to say that I love Angel, She is an awesome person and I can't wait to meet her one day. She has taught me to live my dreams and that is exactly what I am doing...I try to be as real as can be on my children's blog but sometimes not everything shows but alot does. Not to long ago I was judged because of my ability to want to adopt again but then again my family was buying unnecessary items for our home. But that did not stop me or neither will any other comment I receive. Here is my day of "GETTING REAL".....
The economy is falling and it is falling fast. We are DEAD broke. We have grocery's and Madisyn has diapers but that about limits it. Our bills are a little late, But not major. But we still want to adopt again. Do we have the money to shell out for this adoption to bring home Conner well absolutely not, But will we give up our dream of having a son because we don't have the money up front to bring him home.
HELL NO WE WON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AS dead broke as we are, That little boy who we already call our son will come home to us.
I babysit 2-3 extra kids a day and my husband works two jobs, Do I get frustrated YOU bet I do. But it doesn't get me down.....I love my life and it is time for everyone out there to GET REAL.

So R U up for Getting Real on your Blog?? Go over to Angel's blog and leave your link with your "Get Real Post"...
I'm Up for it are You?
Great job with getting real. I am going to go do mine on my personal blog right now. Thanks for your example. I pray that God will supply for all your needs!
Farrah, I just wanted to let you know that I posted about Pauline's appt., the yard sale, as well as some other stuff. Awesome job on getting real. With the recession going on I think that we are all getting real!! Real broke that is, but we are adoptive parents so we will persevere whatever comes our way!!!
Great "get real" post. And NO you should not let money keep you from your dream and keep a precious child from finding a loving home!
Congrats on gettin real girl. That's awesome. If that baby is yours no dollar sign will stop it. Hugs! Angel
well put! people out there give birth every day to babies that they can't afford and sometimes don't even want...so why should you be bad mouthed for wanting to love a child that needs a home! who cares how much money you have, you have love and that is what's important. hope all goes well.
You got real and I thank you for it!!! Awesome post. Glad I found you.
Have a Happy 4th~
Krista @ Bits and Pieces
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