I have been tagged by Corey.....
5 things on my to do list:
1~ Raise enough money to do our second adoption
2~ Make my family happy daily
3~ Keep my house cleaned
4~ Start Madisyn on potty training
5~ Bake something for bake sale
Something I enjoy~Fruity Pepples (rather have this than steak)
How funny is it~ Hearing Madisyn say er it is (Here it is)
Things I'd do if i was a millionaire~ Help orphans Country Wide, Invest in something, Pay off all our bills, Help my dad, and adopt about 5 more kids with a nanny..
Well I don't have a whole lot to say these days...Our days are pretty boring. There is one question is the fall in the Economy killing every family or just us? These prices are knocking us down..But we will manage. Here are some cute pictures..Hope you enjoy
Here is Gracie Girl, I do still get pics somewhat if I beg for them...She is getting so big, But doesn't look as happy as when she was with us..Maybe I'm biased!
This is what I did, Rearranged out cabinets to put boxes with boxes, veggies with veggies, you get my drift....
~~I was really really BORED Saturday~~
And now for some cuteness....Madisyn is so sweet/mean when she wants to be.
But we love her to the moon and back...She is our Angel Baby

And Conner: some have asked about this process...Well as I am learning via the web it is a very simple process but VERY VERY lengthy..Which happens to be okay with us because we have to come up with $5000.00 at referrell(and since we already hopefully found him) would be NOW!!
Then we have to come up with around $5000-$6000 at travel. Depending on travel prices at that time. The Dossier is very simple...I can have it done in a matter of weeks. Some of it is already done. We are waiting on Medical/More Info on the little boy who shares the same birthday as my MOM...But here is a little of the process:
~ Send in App
~ Have Homestudy Update/Update sent to USCIS
~ After all is accepted by Agency you get your dossier packet
~ Send in Completed Notarized Dossier
~ Agency gets it all State/Country Certified
~ Certified Dossier goes to Thailand
~ Wait to be approved by Thailand
~ Receive your Court Hearing
~ Travel for 7-10 days in Country doing all your own paperwork(kinda scared about this)
~ Come home
~ After Finalized with your state
~ Recieve invite to register with Thai Consulate
Hope this helps you understand the process a little better....Not to bad once the money comes around. But I'm not going to let Money issues stop me from adopting. We really want a little boy and Madisyn needs a sibling. She isn't too good at being an only child, She loves other kids around.
Yes you are correct, the economy sucks. It's come to the point where we are going to have to take a cash advance off our credit card to make the house payment next month. But yet the president refuses to say we are in a recession. Whatever!
thanks for posting the process on Conner's adoption. Can't wait to hear more!
Can you please come over here and fix my food pantry! LOL
Great pics!
We are moving closer to Tim's work b/c money is getting too tight and our savings is becoming less and less. It seems like every month we are having to move money. Can't wait to hear more about Conner's adoption. Kamden will be here this month. YIKES and WOO HOO all in the same sentence. There is so much to do and not enough hours in the day. We move bnext Friday so I am in the midst of packing up our house. I am trying to find a cute Big Brother shirt so if you come across any that aren't too much let me know. I have found some online but with shipping they were close to $30. Love the pix of Madisyn. Kaleb can sweet as can be and then turn around and be a meany. I guess that it is their age!!!
So how long is the process from referral to homecoming? This sounds encouraging for many. I hope you get more information about your little guy soon and can get going on his paperwork! Exciting!
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