As weird as this may seem to alot of you that read our blog, I have the biggest sigh of peace about this. For the past two or three weeks I knew it was going to happen because as soon as the BF got word that the baby wasn't and hasn't been with the BM then he immediately said he wanted her, And he had every right in the book in the state of Florida to have her. We could have tried to open a DCF case on the father for abandonment, drug use, history of violence....But a couple of things Who knows if that stuff is true. The abandonment isn't true because as I found out Friday they have been sending the mom money. The drug use he admitted to being a heroin addict 2 years ago....The history of violence the only thing the cops could find was the bad checks he had written. So is he a bad person I HAVE NO IDEA...But I put myself in his shoes...And would I want a stranger to raise my daughter(even though it is a GREAT home) or would I want my daughter to be with me and my family.....DING DING DING...I would want her with my family, POINT BLANK.
So I'm sorry if alot of you don't understand, Did my family even love Grace, HELL yeah we love her, We will never stop loving her. But should we shut down our lives and sob for days over something we had NO control over. No I don't think so, We gave it to god and he does have plans for us, We may never see them but he does have something for us and we love him for that.
In loving Memory of our Sweet Angel Baby Grace

Dear Grace, You have left our home to live with your birth family. But don't think for one minute that you will be forgotten. We love you from here to the moon, and you will never be alone. Your Big sissy still looks for your car seat when we get in the truck and she still says Ummm Baby, and we have to tell her that you went home, and she doesn't understand now but she will when she is old enough...And I hope that your family tells you about us...So for now I have to say GOODNIGHT to you, and I hope all your dreams come true. We love you Little Miss Gracie Girl...Love forever your family The Reavers 2008
Memory in our Hearts January.2008-April.2008

OMG that is so sad but I am glad that you have found peace.
My heart breaks for your loss but I am glad you have peace with this. Hugs being sent your way.
You are so right Farrah -
you will have hard times I am sure - but hang in there - we are all here for you
I am glad you told more of the story and you have peace with this. It sounds like baby Grace is loved and hopefully will be well taken care of. I will pray for you all.
My thought's are with you. Hang in there,God has something else planned for the Reaver family.
My heart breaks for your family tonight. Sending prayers from WI for continued peace in your hearts, Farrah.
I am sooo sorry Farrah. We prayed for you all and I told our SSclass about you all. God does have a plan for you all, and sometimes it is hard to understand why things happen. I hope that as each day passes it will get easier. We love you!!!
Farrah.. You are an amazing family... My thoughts and prayers are with you... HUGS!!!!!!
I am glad you are having a bit of a better day, but I am so sorry that you have to go through this at all. It just doesn't seem fair... or right.
Farrah you are so loving and so brave and so understanding and sensitive about others and their feelings.
My heart breaks for you and I can't stop crying, but I am glad you have peace and know that you have no control and have to do what the law dictates. Of course you will always love Grace.
You are such a good person and there is a plan for you and your family. This is not an end, it is a beginning. You fostered a little baby girl and gave her love and security when she had nobody else. That is such a big thing and has so much impact.
I am thinking of you and send you a long distance hug.
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