And now for some cuteness....Madisyn is so sweet/mean when she wants to be.
But we love her to the moon and back...She is our Angel Baby

And Conner: some have asked about this process...Well as I am learning via the web it is a very simple process but VERY VERY lengthy..Which happens to be okay with us because we have to come up with $5000.00 at referrell(and since we already hopefully found him) would be NOW!!
Then we have to come up with around $5000-$6000 at travel. Depending on travel prices at that time. The Dossier is very simple...I can have it done in a matter of weeks. Some of it is already done. We are waiting on Medical/More Info on the little boy who shares the same birthday as my MOM...But here is a little of the process:
~ Send in App
~ Have Homestudy Update/Update sent to USCIS
~ After all is accepted by Agency you get your dossier packet
~ Send in Completed Notarized Dossier
~ Agency gets it all State/Country Certified
~ Certified Dossier goes to Thailand
~ Wait to be approved by Thailand
~ Receive your Court Hearing
~ Travel for 7-10 days in Country doing all your own paperwork(kinda scared about this)
~ Come home
~ After Finalized with your state
~ Recieve invite to register with Thai Consulate
Hope this helps you understand the process a little better....Not to bad once the money comes around. But I'm not going to let Money issues stop me from adopting. We really want a little boy and Madisyn needs a sibling. She isn't too good at being an only child, She loves other kids around.