Friday, April 25, 2008
I had to Share this Photo....SBP Rocks...

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Can You say AWE.....
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I REMEMBER This all too well....

Friday, April 18, 2008
Favorite Foto Friday #36 SIBLINGS.....

Madisyn and Gracie February 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Another Week Gone and SOME EXCITING NEWS...

And for the Exciting News.....
I have been babysitting every since Madisyn came home. Well one of my mom's questioned me this morning about becoming registered. Well so Guess what I am going to get Registered and open my own HOME DAYCARE....I have had as many as 4 at a time, So being liscened I can have 5 and charge the same as a daycare..So more money for me and benefits for my parents.
So now I just have to complete the 30 hour training class and take the exam, and then I will be set..I've wanted to do this for about a year now, and have just not had the time to do it. But Madisyn is almost 2 now and my sister will watch her while I complete my training, and some I can even do online. SOOO can I get a BIG WOOOOHOOOO for me finally doing something with my life.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Just Because Pictures....Sit back and Relax
And this is our cat Delilah, She stays outside and we made her a Cartoon...
So enlarge this one and check it out...
Where did this little baby go? This was last year a few days after Madisyn came home..
And this she was about 10 months old...she was so freakin little and had NO hair...
And Madisyn enjoying spaghetti this girl loves her some Spaghetti....

I love this picture....she looks so sneaky and cute..
OMG, I can't believe that just happened....
And can anyone tell me the story yet on Guatemala adoptions? Does anybody know if it is going to reopen again? Just curious, We are taking our next adoption very slowly, But we are researching countries...And GUATEMALA IS #1
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Day by Day....
Warning: There are some X-Rated Pics, and NO i didn't capture a whale......
Here she is running back and forth into and out of the water
And the sweetest thing you ever saw....Mommy and Daughter
Sorry this one jumped outta place, Madisyn wouldn't lay in the pack and play and take a nap, So literly 3 1/2 minutes after we got into the van...This is what we saw....
And now for the X-rated Pics...I don't really want to show this much skin to everyone, But I want you all to see how stupid I was that day...It has been 4 days and I still can barely move...
PS: I have jumped on the selling band wagon so click on my link on my sidebar and check out my great deals...When we decide to adopt again, We will be solely searching for a boy, So goodbye to all Madisyn's clothes...Most are GYMBOREE and most are NEW WITH TAGS
PSS: My baby did wear a bathing suit but got irritated with the constant changing from diaper to swimmy so I left it off....BAD MOM Oh well....LOL
Sunday, April 6, 2008
A Better Day Today......
As weird as this may seem to alot of you that read our blog, I have the biggest sigh of peace about this. For the past two or three weeks I knew it was going to happen because as soon as the BF got word that the baby wasn't and hasn't been with the BM then he immediately said he wanted her, And he had every right in the book in the state of Florida to have her. We could have tried to open a DCF case on the father for abandonment, drug use, history of violence....But a couple of things Who knows if that stuff is true. The abandonment isn't true because as I found out Friday they have been sending the mom money. The drug use he admitted to being a heroin addict 2 years ago....The history of violence the only thing the cops could find was the bad checks he had written. So is he a bad person I HAVE NO IDEA...But I put myself in his shoes...And would I want a stranger to raise my daughter(even though it is a GREAT home) or would I want my daughter to be with me and my family.....DING DING DING...I would want her with my family, POINT BLANK.
So I'm sorry if alot of you don't understand, Did my family even love Grace, HELL yeah we love her, We will never stop loving her. But should we shut down our lives and sob for days over something we had NO control over. No I don't think so, We gave it to god and he does have plans for us, We may never see them but he does have something for us and we love him for that.

Friday, April 4, 2008
Sad Day at the Reavers..... :(
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Tomorrow is the BIG Day.....
Tomorrow we met with our attorney to see what we can do legally. He has known her whereabouts for months and still NO contact until now...SO hopefully we see the light at the end of the tunnel tomorrow. We love her and we will fight to the end to keep her. Thank you

And last but not least, Don't let these two get separated because our hearts would heel but Madisyn would be torn apart and I can't bear to see my little angel hurt in the least little amount..They are my babies and I know God will see through this and help make the decision right for the sake of these children.
So please pray, Leave a prayer comment or just let us know you are thinking about us. Thank you everyone I don't know where I would be without y'all.