See my new BLING people....Now I look like a girly girl

Now this cat, To look at it you would think it belonged to us....Well it didn't until now and it has made a home in our yard.
Gracie is doing so good.....She has probally gained about 2 pounds or so since she came here, And she is doing really really good...

I guess you are, So here is a Great BIG smile for u blogger fans!!!

Now Princess M at your service.....
BIG BIG shoes to fill....These kids have a fasication with shoes

Can someone please tell me how Madisyn is going to be 2 soon...I just can't believe my Angel baby is growing up so fast
(Enlarge this picture and look at my babys first Shinner...She is so careful except in her crib, She was jump,jump,jump....And BAM eye connected with the crib..NO I wasn't in there watching I heard it all on our baby monitor.)
I love you more than the world Madisyn Brooke....
And this is the cat I described above....
So that is our days lately...BUSY, BUSY, BUSY.....DID I mention that our days are BUSY??? I love it though. Exept for Madisyn terrible TWO tempers she is giving us. She will cry about everything. If you look at her she is crying.....Gosh please let this pass SOON!!!!!!!!!!
Maddison is a DOLL as always...I hope things work out GREAT with Gracie...Love the BATH Pic
OOOOO Thank you for the pics. They are such cuties. Don't you love the terrible two attitude!!!! Begining to get it at my house too!!!!
See you soon!
Gracie is getting so big already. I have the terrible 3 and 2 with Isa and Gaby so I hope Madisyn grows out of it quick for you.
Bout time! Oh wait I just posted tooo..Two cuties :)
I'm so glad you FINALLY posted pics. Your girls are adorable! I can't believe how big Madison is getting.
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so glad to finally see pics!!!
Madisyn is sure getting big!!!
And you call that a tantrum???? Ha! come to my house girlie, we'll show you a tantrum.
I have missed you and the pictures. Madisyn is SO gorgeous. She looks like a two year old in those photos outside. She is like Savannah--getting TALL! I love the curls. She is so gorgeous!!!
Gracie is a doll baby. Those eyes melt your heart in a second. It looks like she is thriving and doing so well in your house. I am so glad it is working out for all of you. You saved her life.
Life is busy, but good busy!!!
Thinking of you always!
They are both so beautiful!
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