We got Madisyn dressed up in her Halloween outfit for the day....We went to lunch with Daddy and she wasn't very excited while we were there so excuse the running nose and stuff on her face. She is still our beautiful little angel/devil...
Here she is dressed for her day. Her hair is getting so long Her ponies are two solid spiral curls..
Okay Mom one good smile and that's all you get...
What you are giving me my Pizza from Chili's.....YUMMY I can't wait...
I love her feet in this one!
Okay I said ONE smile and I meant it....I have had enough pics for now...
I will post pictures of her in her costume later....This was just a sneak peak at how cute she is...
She will be a PIRATE PRINCESS later, she is obsessed with Pirate's!!!
Oh my gosh I got the best package today from my SBP....I'm going to admit in the past my SBP has not been wonderful, they haven't even been good until the rounds were over and then they made up for it and sent pick me ups later. Heck one of my old SBP's is still sending stuff from her daughter for me to sell on my clothing web site...SO GO SBP's...Anyway this time around my blogger pal ROCKS....She sent this package today FULL of goodies that I love.
We got a Dora Dress Madisyn Loves...Ice Cream Fun Play Doh, a Creme Brulee Candle, a rubber halloween duckie, some bubble bath and a bag of chocolates....YUMMY

A close up of the dress, This is one awesome package and I am so glad I joined this time.
Thank you so much SBP you are totally awesome....YOU ROCK
Madisyn has
Lot's of friends that she plays with
Daily...But since I have loaded all my photo's to a CD just in case my
puter crashes I don't have many left on here to choose from. Yeah I know I need to take new ones. But hey just deal with what I show you, Just kidding I hope you all enjoy!
Madisyn and Mariah at the Beach in April 08'

Madisyn and Milo when he first came home now she hates him..He is outside now with Chloe!
And why I went private it isn't anything that has happened recently...Everyone has been pretty nice to me lately...LOL, But there is a group out there called the "Inner Circle" and they go around judging you for what you have done or what they thought you should of done, and I don't need that in my life. God can judge us all he wants but that is the only person I will allow to judge me or my family. This is a perfect FFF Friends, Watch who your friends are because in reality you may not know them at all. So again Welcome and Sit back and Relax you never know what you will find out here on my blog....Love you guys.
My little angel baby is so adorable. She is so fun when she isn't throwing a 2 year old tantrum.
We love her so much, No words can describe it.....
HaHaHa that is so darn funny, Mom you think you are funny don't you!
Look how beautiful my baby girl is...she is growing up!
She is Bringing Sexy back for sure.....
I would like to take this moment and send hugh hugs and prayers to Julia and her family.Yesterday afternoon her father passed away from a Massive Heart Attack.. I'm not sure about you guys but I know when something happens to my dad I'm not sure what I will do. He is my rock and place to fall as Julia's dad was to her. So please take this time and hold them up in prayer. He was an awesome man and we are all very sad that he had to go so soon!
Everyone knows that Julia and Kerry have a group called Global Orphan Team, So please consider going and making a small donation in honor of her father and also help the orphans of Guatemala. Thank you so much!!
Legacy of an Adopted Child
Once there were two women who never knew each other, One you do not remember, the other you call Mother,Two different lives shaped to make you one,One became your guiding star, the other became your sun,The first one gave you life, and the second taught you to live it,The first gave you a need for love, the second was there to give it,One gave you a nationality, the other gave you a name,One gave you a talent, the other gave you aim,One gave you emotions, the other calmed your fears,One saw your first sweet smile, the other dried your tears,One made an adoption plan, that was all that she could do,The other prayed for a child, and God led her straight to you. Now, which of these two women, Are you the product of?Both, my darling, Both, Just two different types of love.---- Unknown