Okay so I need help with little boys names. I have always loved Masyn, But also feel deeply for Conner. To come up with a middle name to go with Conner is almost impossible. I have added a poll to the side bar so please vote on some names I have come up with & if none of those get you going "PLEASE leave a name suggestion in the Comment section of this post"!!!!! Thanks as always!
Joseph- I have no idea just sounded okay with Conner
Masyn- Always loved the name
Anthony- My husbands middle name
Leigh- My sisters middle name that passed away

Legacy of an Adopted Child
Once there were two women who never knew each other, One you do not remember, the other you call Mother,Two different lives shaped to make you one,One became your guiding star, the other became your sun,The first one gave you life, and the second taught you to live it,The first gave you a need for love, the second was there to give it,One gave you a nationality, the other gave you a name,One gave you a talent, the other gave you aim,One gave you emotions, the other calmed your fears,One saw your first sweet smile, the other dried your tears,One made an adoption plan, that was all that she could do,The other prayed for a child, and God led her straight to you. Now, which of these two women, Are you the product of?Both, my darling, Both, Just two different types of love.---- Unknown
Connor Anthony gets my vote- I love names with meaning! Isn't Masyn the girls way of spelling the name? I have always known girl Masyns and boy Masons.
I think Masyn is too close to Madisyn. Also, why don't you wait until you get the referral, he might already have a perfect name? Happened to us. I actually HATED the name Valentina (which was actually suggested) 2 days prior to referral but it just fit her so you never know! Just wait it out and things have a way of working out.
Dang Nikki beat me to it, I was going to say Connor Anthony also!
I really like Connor Leigh ...
Masyn is too close to madisyn...I agree with Cameo about waiting...you never know. All of this is very exciting.
I am so with you on boy names. Why is it SO much harder than girls name. We thought of Savannah Hope without a problem or hesitation. Now we are going back and forth with too common, don't like the nickname, doesn't go with our last name, etc. I have no idea. We were always going to do Logan, but it is too common. There is a Logan in every one of Savannah's activities. I love Max, but as a whole name, not short for anything. We also love Tyler and Ryan, but they are popular too and then we liked Riley, but too many girls names Riley these days. So we have nothing. I don't know how long it will take, but we will probably be traveling and still trying to come up with a name on the 20 hour plane ride.
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