So the kids are out of school this week so Austin came to visit. He doesn't come over often so we enjoy every minute he is here. He has alot going on with his life, He weight lifts, is just starting Tae Kwan Doe, and not to mention is 15 and totally into Girls. Where did my lil man go?
Austin and Madisyn

Okay so these are totally outta order but did you expect anything less from me?

The New Nursery

The Striped walls with the Changing table...A gift from Church

This is the first wall I painted...So this was the beggining.

PRE- Paint

We had old intercom systems in our home so Jed had to repair the hole for the stripes.

Our new Master Bathroom Finished

Another View

Our Beautiful Bedding...

View of the Bed....

Not so Wordless but Anyways.......
HAPPY TURKEY DAY from the REAVER Family.....

Okay can someone tell me how it has been two weeks since I blogged? I guess keeping 3 toddlers and 1 infant almost 5 days a week you don't have much time for anything else. So we finally got our New master bedroom finished so our old master we are converting to a Nursery for the "just in case" factor...It will happen one day, And in God's timing would be perfect for us. So we will prepare and sit and wait. In the meantime we are enjoying the heck outta Madisyn. She is getting so funny, She does still have her crying episodes, But honestly I think it has alot to do with her age. Does your 2-3 year old have crying episodes? Feel free to share with me...So here are the left over pics from Halloween, I couldn't take many because I was by myself and had to hold her hand, and then when we did get to the Halloween Party of coarse she wouldn't let anyone hold her except me...So there is your lack of pictures...
The first house and Madisyn picking her Candy....My little Pirate Princess

At the Halloween Party....Sitting on my lap enjoying a Sucker

And one more of Madisyn sitting on a BIG ole' Pumpkin....Oh Hell that's just her Mommy
Isn't my baby the cutest thing Evah.....

I will post pics of the New master, and the Old Master tomorrow...We LOVE our new room it is so big....

One year ago today, This precious angel entered the world of uncertainty....IT would be a mere 6 weeks later that she entered our lives and would spend the next 4 months.After that 4th month her Father came for her and took her away from us, She no longer is living here in the US, She lives in Puerto Rico with her Aunt.She is Gone from our lives forever but she will never be Forgotten...HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY BABY GRACE.....
Okay I got to meet the world famous
ANGEL,ZOE,KAITLYN,KAIYA .....We also meet another wonderful lady who I'm really really sorry but I can't remember her name...Her beautiful daughters name was Kylie but they were both wonderful people. Let me tell you about Angel, She is the same person that you read about on her blog, No diffrent....She is awesome, and excellent mother and I'm so excited and happy that I can say I meet her. Here are some pics from our evening together...Madisyn loved the little slide and the swings. She cried when we made her leave until we told her we were going to eat, Then she was like Bye everybody, Bye!!!!
Me, Angel and Kylie's mommy

And the world famous Zoe...This girl is beautiful..She has the longest legs and is almost as tall as I am, Need I remind ya'll she is "9", She is going to melt many hearts in a few years!

Little Miss Kylie...I hope I'm spelling her name right..

Miss Kaiya....

Madisyn loving the slide....
Legacy of an Adopted Child
Once there were two women who never knew each other, One you do not remember, the other you call Mother,Two different lives shaped to make you one,One became your guiding star, the other became your sun,The first one gave you life, and the second taught you to live it,The first gave you a need for love, the second was there to give it,One gave you a nationality, the other gave you a name,One gave you a talent, the other gave you aim,One gave you emotions, the other calmed your fears,One saw your first sweet smile, the other dried your tears,One made an adoption plan, that was all that she could do,The other prayed for a child, and God led her straight to you. Now, which of these two women, Are you the product of?Both, my darling, Both, Just two different types of love.---- Unknown