WOW is all I can say.....
Watch THIS...

Here are some photo's of the singing Christmas tree, The whole show was awesome. Madisyn really liked it, Lots of music and singing which she really enjoyed. A 5 year old girl sang the whole song "I could only Imagine", Which was totally awesome. Well here are the pics..Hope you enjoy!
The whole Tree - the people in it.

I think we have a musician on our hands, This girls loves piano's and drums.

Miss America, NOT....We were playing around with Tom's roses.

And really the Future " Miss America"

The tree all lite up....IT was beautiful

Merry Christmas Blogger friends from Our Family to Yours

So we went to Jed's Uncles house this weekend in Jupiter Florida. We had a blast, we visited a Singing Christmas Tree at the St Peter Catholic Church down there, It was awesome and Madisyn loved it. We lived like Kings and Queens for a couple days, His uncle waited on us Hand and Foot,
Thanks Uncle Jode.
We are getting our last minute Christmas stuff done before it hits us in 3 days...Actually 2 because we celebrate at my father's on Christmas Eve.
Here are some photo's from our trip...This was when we first got there and he wasn't there yet so we waited outside and Madisyn was less than thrilled.
After 2 hours in the truck....Not a happy baby
Only Dora can make a baby that happy....That Quick
Mommy and Madisyn 2008
My Beautiful Angel watching Dora....Waiting on Great Uncle Jode
Today we took Madisyn to what Florida calls snow, A big pile of ICE.. We had a local Christmas celebration and so we took Madisyn down to see Santa and get a glimpse at her first Snow. She talked all day about making Snow angels until she got there, Then she said it was too Cold. Jed had on Sandals tonight, I mean it was 81' today, So his feet were more than frozen and you guessed right I laughed about it...It is WAY to HOT to be Christmas Week...
Well here are some pics for your enjoyment.
I love this picture...Look Mommy, It's SNOW

This Stuff is Cold Daddy, Get me the Hell Up...

Before she realized how cold it was

A Giant Snowball...

My Precious Angel with Santa...Christmas 2008, She went right up and said HI Santa

Before we got in the truck, She is all ready to go see SNOW
Mommy and Madisyn beside a HUGH Christmas Tree
Daddy and Madisyn by the same Tree...
The most precious Picture ever...They were both mesmerized by each other...LOL
Okay can anyone stop the time? I don't know where it goes....The weekend of the 5
th we went to a parade and then the 6
th we went to Jed's company Christmas party....It was a blast but of coarse I was
controlling the camera and didn't get any pics of Jed & I. We have some awesome neighbors who is actually kin to Jed's Step mom but we all love them, Including
Madisyn she
absolutely loves them...she calls Tommy (Baldy) he is bald headed.
LOLMadisyn at the Parade....

Madisyn with Skylar and "Baldy"
Madisyn with Laurie

The Christmas Parade

And the Christmas Party, Our Friends Gary and his wife.


My weeks run together so I am a week late on my Thankfulness FFF....
Here are a few of the things I am thankful for this year..
Jayden and Madisyn, If it wasn't for me watching Jayden I wouldn't be able to stay home with Madisyn so therefore I am Thankful for that.
And a Family Thanksgiving Shot...We tried to put Madisyn in the middle but this was one of those days when I am a little less than Chicken S&@T...You know what I mean?
Sometime's when her daddy is around I mean absolutly nothing, So we just deal with it...
I'm also very Thankful for my husband...He is a hard worker and because of him we have what we have.
I love you Honey!!!
When does the desire to adopt and have children go away? Me & Shelby was talking about this the other night and I'm curious myself to see what others have to say....My desire to parent children and collect them up like aluminum cans will not go away! As hard as I fight it, through the tears, and the arguments, The desire is still so very deep in my heart. I can't make it cease. When I read Corey's blog post today it broke my heart into about a thousand different pieces for those children of Guatemala...About a month after Madisyn came home we wanted so badly to do another child from Guate and then the problems started and No money we couldn't do it then. But now that I see all the problems and the children on the streets begging for Food...They aren't asking for Littlest Pet Shop's and Thomas the Tank Trains, They are asking for Bread and water so they can live. No one knows how this rips my heart out of my chest. I would love to go back to Guatemala but I'm afraid I would be traumatized Seriously....My heart already hurts.

Legacy of an Adopted Child
Once there were two women who never knew each other, One you do not remember, the other you call Mother,Two different lives shaped to make you one,One became your guiding star, the other became your sun,The first one gave you life, and the second taught you to live it,The first gave you a need for love, the second was there to give it,One gave you a nationality, the other gave you a name,One gave you a talent, the other gave you aim,One gave you emotions, the other calmed your fears,One saw your first sweet smile, the other dried your tears,One made an adoption plan, that was all that she could do,The other prayed for a child, and God led her straight to you. Now, which of these two women, Are you the product of?Both, my darling, Both, Just two different types of love.---- Unknown