Here they are on the way out the door, She couldn't understand why Mommy wasn't going!

Kinda a mess, This was after the humidity outside, Kinky stuff...LOL
After she let me brush it because I saw how bad the first photo looked...
She is so darn beautiful....
It stayed like this until the next day we got in the pool, and one drop of water hit it and back to Curly beautiful little Madisyn....
This is the last smile, Get the darn picture over with already!!!!
Tomorrow morning is the Ultrasound to make sure everything is okay, and also to determine the Gender of the baby. As everyone knows we would love to have a boy, But we have learned that any child we get is a blessing so we aren't partial, We will take either.... BOY/GIRL????
I don't have any prizes but I would love to see what you guys decide...
Will the baby be a girl or boy?
I learned this week I will have to have a hysterectomy done in the next couple of months. And the only thing I could say to the Dr was" Please make it before January, I have a newborn due and I need to be healthy and healed before the baby arrives so I can be there to raise my children." And then it hit me, This is really it, I will not be caring another child in my body, and It hurts. But you know what, God has chosen me to ADOPT and that is what we are doing..
The Bride Kristin and her Father Bob...
My Cousin again...Isn't she beautiful...A true Barbie Doll
Sleeping Angel just home Feb.07 8 months old
And last put not least...This is a scanned pic of me, But I was 3 years old and it was the year of 1980. You know your mom's loved the matching Hat and Dresses...My dad actually had me in mine since he is the one that raised me...Go DAD....Well I be damn if I could get outta the house without one on. You have to admit though I was one cute little Booger....
Princess Farrah Age 3
I love this baby girl...Attitude and all, OMG let me tell you her terrible 2's are kicking in HIGH gear..
And I know alot of you are wondering " Did they get another pug" or is there Chloe not growing... Well if anyone remembers the Camcorder, The Cannon I had....Even Trade, A Male Pug (now we can breed our female and sell the pups) Wise Financial Decision!!!
BTW= The Camcorder VERY cheap from one of my sister's friends that needed money!
And how cute is this little guy anyways....He is a doll, and at 9 weeks old he is POTTY trained!!!!