This weeks Favorite Foto Friday is NEW....So I thought I would find some photo's from Christmas when my family received there NEW Christmas gifts. Since I am the one always running the camera there are none of me, Thank God.
Jed was happy to get his NEW Fire pit...He has been wanting one and we use it every weekend. The best purchase I ever made!

Madisyn with her NEW Tricycle or as she calls it a BYCYCLE...

Her NEW computer...Look at her fingers do you think she watches Mom?

And her NEW Dora Backpack...She loves that thing and it hold alot of toys!

Sig's Fabulous Give Away....For Kick Ass Bows...Click
here to find out more!!!
Madisyn is getting so fun, She is at the stage where you can bribe her to get her to do things. For instance Jed was outside making a fire and she wanted to go out, He told her she had to wait until he had it built so that he could keep an eye on her and he would be back in to get her.
Well she didn't like the fact that she had to wait, SO Mommy to the rescue...See we went and met a friend today who adopted a Brother/Sister sibling group from Vietnam, SO I had
Madisyn all dressed cute for the First Impression thing you know, SO Mommy told her that if she left me get some GOOD pics then I would take her outside, She happily agreed. Now for the Cuteness....
Here you go Mom...CHEESE
Madisyn wanted her pic with the kitty too...Our cat Dililah is almost 7 years old.
One more CHEESE....
And a Sweet Hug for Dililah....Madisyn loves her kitty
Okay so we took Madisyn to the park the other day, It's a really nice park since the City redid the whole thing. IT has a section for kids 5-12 and a section for kids 2-5 which makes it nice because our little tots aren't getting ran over by BIG kids. She loved it of coarse and it was a fighting battle to get her to leave. Her daddy got alot of NO, I wanna Play, Choo Choo Train, NO!!
This was this morning....She is in the OH famous CHEESE when she see's a camera!

Just a Swingin...


ARE YOU SERIOUS....I don't wanna leave

The TOT part ages 2-5

The Big kid part...ages 5-12

She did the slide over and over, she loved that she could do it all by herself

Here I go, Watch Momma/Daddy

Ha Ha Momma said we could stay a little while longer..."SUCKER"

This weeks theme was your favorite foto from 2008 I had several but I choose this one because it was the day after Grace was taken from us and I needed Madisyn to have a good time at the beach to keep my mind off of losing Grace. We had a fantastic time and Madisyn loved the beach!

Legacy of an Adopted Child
Once there were two women who never knew each other, One you do not remember, the other you call Mother,Two different lives shaped to make you one,One became your guiding star, the other became your sun,The first one gave you life, and the second taught you to live it,The first gave you a need for love, the second was there to give it,One gave you a nationality, the other gave you a name,One gave you a talent, the other gave you aim,One gave you emotions, the other calmed your fears,One saw your first sweet smile, the other dried your tears,One made an adoption plan, that was all that she could do,The other prayed for a child, and God led her straight to you. Now, which of these two women, Are you the product of?Both, my darling, Both, Just two different types of love.---- Unknown