Thanks to my blogger friend and fellow single Guat momma, Sarah, I'm now playing the Pay It Forward game.How does it work?Here are the rules:I will send a handmade gift (of my choosing) to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this "PIF" exchange, and who make the same pledge on their own blog.I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise!The only thing you have to do in return is PAY IT FORWARD - on your own blog.So, if you want to (eventually - remember, I get a year!) get a homemade goodie from me, and are willing to do the same via your blog, let me know!(Note that you'll need to give me your real (snail mail) address... which you can do by private email.)Just leave a comment and I will get with you.So, who's up for it?
Madisyn has been TAGGED by Ginger and Maya, I'm suppose to name ten things about herself
1. My birthname given was Elena Valdez Samora and my parents changed it to Madisyn Elena Brooke
2. I am scared of everthing
3. My daddy is my favorite person
4. I sniff my blankie all day long
5. My favorite food is Egg rolls
6. My favorite thing to do is watch TV
7. I HATE baths..That for the birds
8. I would rather jump outta a boat then visit a DR
9. I love to go BYE BYE
10. I'm very cranky when I get tired
As soon as I know more on the Grace situation then I will let you know...Her birthparents are morons and won't give me any information.
In our childs eyes we can see our future...I love my little girls to the moon and back, But I don't have much to say today except keep my family's hearts in your preayers..We got word today that Grace's daddy wants to come and take her so she can live with his family. Before all the questions start....Yes he can, He never signed anything, and he is on the birth certificate...So our hearts are breaking today, But I feel peace that god is taking care of me. We love this little girl and I can't believe we are losing her, But it's outta my control, My attorney said there is nothing I can do. So here are the eye pictures...Love to all of you!

And even one of momma's eyes.....You can tell alot about a person through there eyes.
I hope everyone had a Happy Easter, I know we did. We celebrated with Family and had a wonderful time. Madisyn's day with egg hunting was fun until it was time to stop. We thought we would never get her calmed down. A sudden trip to a bedroom and a short nap and she was alot better. So now for the pictures you all came to see.
Happy Easter from the Reaver Family 2008

I love this picture of Madisyn and Daddy...

And Grace's face in this one cracks me up....
And then the UNHAPPY pictures of Madisyn, We kept these to show her when she gets older how much trouble she gave us that year. Pictures are my new Bestfriend....
STILL UNHAPPY....Time for a nap.
Easter Memories 2007, Boy I had to pull out my picture cd's. I loved last easter because Madisyn had only been home for about 2 months. And she was so little and sweet....I miss those days terribly. But anyways here is the little angel herself. She was so litte, And had NO curls!!!!Annual Gathering at my sisters....

And Madisyn with her first sucker on Easter...Look at her clothes
And her first Photo shoot since coming home...Easter Photo's at Sears
I love the black and white one....So darn pretty
And Happy Easter Everyone from the Reaver family 2008
Of coarse this picture was 2007 because it is missing one person...
Little Grace
NOT REALLY FEELING IT YET.....Florida weather is so unpredictable, One day we have our Air on, The next night we need our heat. So yeah when Spring really gets here I will be ready.
In the meantime here are some cute pics of the kids...Madisyn couldn't walk last spring so we spent alot of time indoors but when she started walking we ventured out.
Last year probally around July or August...I love this pic

And February of this year...
And one of Grace, Well just because she's so darn cute....
Happy 4 months old Gracie Girl....We love you so much and everyday we are thankful that we got blessed with you in our lives. Tribute to you Sweet Angel BabyThe very first time I held you....
6weeks old

One week Later, You got to spend 5 days with us in our home..
Who knew Two weeks later you would be moving in with your forever family...
And today you shine like a full moon...You are a blessing to our family. Your sister,mom,dad, and bubba love you very much...
Happy Four Months Baby Girl....
Little Grace is teething like crazy....Oh my Gosh, Can you say wet slobbery everything. What do I do? I feel so helpless. She doesn't fuss but
I'm talking putting her whole fist in the mouth to get some relief. And guess what I did manage to get some shots of
Madisyn...GO ME.... here you go for some all time
I did that cartoon on this picture but it never looks as good as it does on my photo show.
Enlarge this picture and you can see the cartoon look on it.

And I must say who ever invented the
Exersaucer is my new best friend...
She loves this thing...She can already spin the seat with her feet and she follows Madisyn all around the room.
Now for some Madisyn, I love pictures where they are looking into a fish tank....

I called her name and snapped this one....Not Bad!
How beautiful is my child....
Daddy wanted this one to be Black and White...She is such a doll baby
And photo shoot attempt.....Didn't go so well....This one is cute though
A blog makeover, Isn't it the cutest thing you ever saw... Nikki has a new way of doing blogs now, You pick your package. OMG and I love my new "Cotton Candy" Blog.."Edited To Add": I forgot to say I am going to copy off of another blogger buddy who had a great idea, I couldn't even begin to tell you the extent of Madisyn's clothes closet, She has tons of outfits that still have tags on them. And some Grace will be able to wear but alot of them she won't because they were born at separate times of the year, So Summer clothes will be too big for Grace, And winter clothes will be too little....DO you get me. So I am going to start a blog with clothes for sale. I will announce when it is ready. And so please stop by and check it out.And Blogger Buddy please don't be mad that I am coping....LOVE YA
Well let's see One Year Ago we had just been home from Guatemala for about 3 weeks and we were just getting settled in good.

Seems just like Yesterday and it has already been a year....I Love you sweet baby girl.
Hi there, this post is basically going to be about Grace as Madisyn is not camera friendly right now so I don't have any current pics of her. I would rather not take any, than take them of the back of her beautiful head. So we will make this a Gracie post...She is changing so rapidly it isn't funny...I'm enjoying the daily changes that I sadly didn't get to experience with Madisyn..I do miss that, But it's okay I have now and the future so be it. Grace is rolling over now, Trying to hold her on bottle(well she does hold it just can't lift it up yet). She is talking alot now and is growing like crazy. She is almost 4 months old already, And in 3 months Madisyn will be 2. I don't know how it happened. Now onto some cuteness.This is Grace at 3 months old....Barely holding her head up!
And this is her today at almost 4 months...Totally in control of her head!
This was Grace at the same age of 3 months....
And same pose of Grace today at almost 4 months....

And there is nothing more precious than a sleeping baby...
Grace has to go to Tampa to a specialist on Wednesday to have a minor procedure done, So I need to take the time to ask for prayers that she isn't in any pain. I know what they are fixing but I don't' know what it is called. It has to do with her little private area so just pray that she has a smooth procedure and a quick recovery.
Thank you so much
Legacy of an Adopted Child
Once there were two women who never knew each other, One you do not remember, the other you call Mother,Two different lives shaped to make you one,One became your guiding star, the other became your sun,The first one gave you life, and the second taught you to live it,The first gave you a need for love, the second was there to give it,One gave you a nationality, the other gave you a name,One gave you a talent, the other gave you aim,One gave you emotions, the other calmed your fears,One saw your first sweet smile, the other dried your tears,One made an adoption plan, that was all that she could do,The other prayed for a child, and God led her straight to you. Now, which of these two women, Are you the product of?Both, my darling, Both, Just two different types of love.---- Unknown